

The latest consumer electronics, from smart home devices to cool gadgets that are bound to be industry-changing.

winamp with video

Hobbyist revives the beloved Winamp player into a polished physical marvel

The big picture: Teenagers and young adults of the late 1990s will remember Winamp as the de facto music player on their Windows PCs. If tinkering with electronics and fabrication is your jam, give Linamp a look. It brings Winamp to the physical plane, allowing you to touch this piece of history. It is a testament to one's passion and creativity, taking something old and giving it a new lease on life.
lego cps mouse project with video

Lego contraption shatters mouse-clicking speed records at 70+ clicks per second

You've seen hamsters spinning in wheels, now get ready for a mouse supercharged by a wheel
WTF?! You don't often see Lego being used to build parts that you can use with your PC, but Lucas, the man behind YouTube channel Lucas-Dynamics, took on that challenge by building what he calls the world's fastest autoclicker using nothing but toy bricks.
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